Do people know when u block them on verizon
Do people know when u block them on verizon
I have Verizon. How do you block other.
Do u have to have good credit to get.
Ran Prieur "The bigger you build the bonfire, the more darkness is revealed." - Terence McKenna
When u block someones text will they.
Android app to block text messages from certain numbers which will say text failed. I want to send a text message or a message on what`s app and delete the person`s
27.03.2008 · Best Answer: yes u do, my friend had bad credit and had to pay 200 bucks to join. yeah you can get any cell phone companies you want you just have to
Do people know when u block them on verizon
Ran Prieur
I have Verizon. How do you block other.
25.02.2008 · Best Answer: Well i have verizon as well..and i tried to block numbers with my phone and it said that i didnt have the service provided so im guessing you
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